Wednesday Vendors Set Up Day at 8:00 am closes at 6:00 pm Participants may also reserve their spots for the show.
Thursday Judging and show Begins at 8:00 pm. Show and All Events Close at 5:00 pm. Tee Shirt sales start at 8:00 am. Food will be sold all day.
Friday Show Opens at 8:00 am Registration Opens at 8:00 am closes at 5:00 pm Vendors Open at 8:00 am Tee Shirt Sales Open at 8:00 am Food & Drink Concessions Open at 8:00 am Judging Begins at 8:00 am Show and All Events Close at 5:00 pm |
Saturday Show Opens at 8:00 am Registration Opens at 8:00 am closes at 4:00 pm Vendors Open at 8:00 am Tee Shirt Sales Open at 8:00 am Food & Drink Concessions Open at 8:00 am Judging Begins at 8:00 am Judging Closes at 2:00 pm Awards and all Give-a-Ways at 4:00 pm all Trophies for the Show will begin at 4:00 pm.All Door Prizes, Special Awards and
This section is for our sponsors and special guests who will be choosing their own winners. At this time, we welcome two of the largest organizations in our industry who will be selecting their favorites:
Others will be added as they wish.
In addition to these, we will be choosing the Top 50 plus other specialty awards.
15 Patinaed Awards.
Keep watching for updates on the Special Awards. Good Luck to All!!!
ATTENTION all Vendors, Sponsors and Industry Leaders!
If you would like to sponsor an award, please let us know ASAP.
We will add you to our list. You do NOT have to attend to be a part of the show.
Contact Rodney Buckner for details.